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The hypercube can be the model for the next-generation quantum sensors and new quantum computers.

"Like a giant wave in the midst of a sea of gaseous calcium atoms, the Bose-Einstein condensate soars. It is composed of approx. 20 000 atoms which are normally not visible to the human eye. However the waves which describe the atoms quantum mechanically, all oscillate synchronously in the condensate and accumulate to form a dense giant wave. In this way, the microscopic pile-up of atoms suddenly becomes macroscopic and therefore visible." (, German scientists produce first Bose-Einstein condensate with calcium atoms)

The Bose-Einstein condensate is the low energy state in the material. The system decreases those atoms to the minimum energy level.  In that case, the system can make the sensor that detects ultra-low-level energy impulses. 

The hypercube can host ultra-cold atoms. Those ultra-cold atoms can detect gravity waves. In an extremely low temperature, the electrons in the atom's orbitals are at the maximum possible distance from the atom's nucleus. When the most out electron is far away from the atom's nucleus that means the outcoming effects make it wobble. The Bose-Einstein condensate is the name for atoms in minimum energy level. 

When outside energy hits the most out electron that electron releases a photon or energy impulse. In some models that kind of cube is created using laser rays that the system can control. When an ultra-cold atom sends an energy impulse to the laser ray. That affects its brightness. In ultra low-level energy environment, the system detects even minimum changes because the environment is in an ultimately stable state. 

In some other methods, the atom in the Bose-Einstein condensate state hovers between the scanning tunneling microscope and the layer. The tunneling microscope can detect changes in the form of those minimum energy level atoms. And that can be the new way to analyze and detect gravity waves. 

"A groundbreaking quantum error correction method called “many-hypercube codes” enhances fault-tolerant quantum computing with efficient, parallel processing capabilities and achieves remarkably high encoding rates. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Harnessing Hypercube Geometry for Superior Quantum Error Correction)

The hypercube is the new way to make error correction in quantum computers. 

The quantum computer requires error control to operate trusted and effective way. The requirement for effective error control is the detection of errors. The requirement for that is that data that travels in the system keeps its form in the data lines. The system must protect those data lines against outside effects. When the system makes error detection, it must compile data that travels in each line with data that travels in other lines. The quantum computer finds differences in answers that come from multiple data handling lines. If there are lots of differences, that tells that there is some kind of outside effect. 

We can think that the hypercube is the tool where each cube is the place for quantum entanglement. The walls of the cube detect if the shine of the entanglement changes. And in the hypercube, the multiple cubes form the complex entirety.

The hypercube solution is a complex structure there is multiple layers. Each layer is the point where the quantum computer can compile data. Every single layer is the point where the system can make intermediate recordings. In that model, we can think that the quantum entanglements are the dots in that structure. The quantum computer has similar problems with other computers. It's the fastest known calculator. And when the power of the computer rises the formulas that it must solve become more and more complex. 

The AI is the tool that helps to control qubit. The AI-based operating system can observe and control the hypercube and the quantum entanglement that transports data in it. That thing makes it possible to control and observe those things.


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